Friday 23 March 2018

This is my Race Relations culture slide I created 4 cultures about their animals, food,
and what they do! The 4 cultures I did was:  Canada, Africa, Australia and Mexico. I also really
enjoyed  making some really cool pictures of amazing and cute animals, pictures of awesome arts and
put pictures up and animated them. Cool aye.

Monday 19 March 2018

Chapter chat slide!

This is my Chapter chat I did from there's a boy in the girls bathroom! I really enjoyed it and I tried really hard to make them and put them on. The first slide is Bradley's kitchen,I made it out of srap paper and pencil. The second slide is the book of: My parents didn't steal a elephant! I made it out of a book with a lot of paper and stabled it, I also coloured it with felts and coloured pencils! The last slide is Carla's Dress. I made it out of another srap of paper, pencil and coloured pencils. I really like Chapter Chat.